tag 887404 + moreinfo


On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 01:17:47AM +0100, Maria wrote:
> since some of my last upgrades/dist-upgrades whenever I run LibreOffice it 
> eats
> up 100%CPU from 1 of 4 cores.
> It runs and works but causes high temperature and therefore noise.
> I tried copying .config/libreoffice to libreoffice-backup -> same result
> I tried starting from terminal -> same result no error messages
> I tried starting using "libreoffice --safe-mode" and used every of the
> available options -> same result
> I did a fsck and shutdown -Fr -> same result.
> This happens in KDE and in Gnome(Wayland) (didn't try Cinnamon and Mate)
> A week ago I additionally installed Gnome, Cinnemon and Mate. At around this
> time the problem began. Although I don't know if it is due to the 
> upgrade/dist-
> upgrade or due to these installations. I used LibreOffice in Gnome and in
> Cinnamon.

Well, 5.4.4 was uploaded as a "christmas present" last year, 2017-12-20
to be precise. Do have that since then?

> I have the Zotero Plugin installed (since long before).

And if you try it without? (Just to get data.?)

> >From before this problem there was another problem which is possibly not 
> >solved
> (but possibly not related anyway): Bug 102433 at freedesktop.org (GPU hang
> resulting in Freeze(?) then unclean logout when using LibreOffice) -> Bug was
> closed but happened again shortly before this problem occured, since then it
> didn't but it did only occur sometimes, I wanted to wait wether it occurs 
> again
> and I didn't have time to file a new report anyway. I saved the GPU error 
> dumps
> nonetheless.

It wasn't closed, it was marked as duplicate of

Anyway, I got asked about it on IRC these days ago and he said there
that it works in 6.0 rcX (at that time rc1) from experimental. Can you
confirm? That one will be uploaded to unstable asap after it is released
if possible (Debian buster will probably contain 6.1, so no sense to
"waste" time staying on 5.4.x - which will be End-of-Life in June this
year anyway.)



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