Package: schroot
Version: 0.2.3-2
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch

Adeodato Simó <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I mentioned schroot in a channel, and vorlon inquired about the LVM
>   snapshotting support. I explained that, from what I had learnt,
>   schroot wanted each chroot in a separate LV, and vorlon suggested what
>   seemed to me a quite reasonable scheme.
>   Summarizing, the suggestion was to allow schroot to specify a path to
>   the chroot relative to the LV. I include the full conversation below.
>     02:09 <dato> % schroot -a -- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -yqq
>     02:10 <dato> *love*

Note that you don't need sudo installed in the chroot.  For example, I

schroot (-a|-c $chroot) -u root -- /bin/sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get -y

schroot includes (a subset of) the functionality of sudo, so if you
use -u root, it will prompt your for a root password, or (if you are
in root-groups), give you passwordless root.  It's also PAMified, so
you can use all the usual PAM stuff.

>     02:10 <vorlon> dato: does schroot support LVM snapshots?
>     02:11 <dato> vorlon: yes; haven't tried it myself yet, tho
>     02:11 <vorlon> dato: I'll probably try it soon, then
>     02:11 <vorlon> since xen+multiarch isn't enough to play with on a single
>       box at one time
>     02:11 <vorlon> so I'd better add lvm snapshotting
>     02:11 <dato> vorlon: in yesterday's #dd/oftc there was a bit of
>       discussion about it between me and rleigh and somebody else
>     02:12 <dato> vorlon: I was interested in <500mb base chroots (each in
>       its own LV device, that is), and grow them when snapshotting
>     02:12 <vorlon> *growing* them when snapshotting?
>     02:13 <dato> vorlon: grow; snaphost; resize_fs; do stuff; throw snapshot
>       away; shrink
>     02:13 <vorlon> I was just going to put all my chroots in a single lv,
>       and use separate snapshots for each chroot; that avoids, um, growing
>       filesystems to do snapshots
>     02:14 <dato> vorlon: I _believe_ (check with rleigh) that schroot wants
>       each chroot in one LV. lemme dig backlog
>     02:15 <vorlon> dato: oh, poo.
>     02:15 <vorlon> dato: my way's more efficient
>     02:15 <vorlon> :)
>     02:16 <dato> vorlon: yes, seems so. being new to lvm snapshotting, how
>       much unallocated space you need in that way?
>     02:16 <vorlon> dato: you specify the size of the snapshot when you
>       create it
>     02:16 <vorlon> so that sets the max size of the delta you can have in
>       the particular snapshot
>     02:18 <dato> vorlon: oh, really? so if you have e.g. a 600mb base LV,
>       and 300mb free, you can say -L300mb ?
>     02:18 <vorlon> dato: yes
>     02:18 <vorlon> dato: if you mean "300 MB free on the VG"
>     02:19 <dato> vorlon: yep
>     02:24 <dato> vorlon: (in case you're interested,
>       rleigh seems quite receptive to suggestions, so perhaps it's your
>       chance to get stuff into schroot :)
>     02:27 <vorlon> yeah, I guess grow-then-snapshot could work, but it seems
>       like a waste of time
>     02:29 <dato> what happens if you write to the original LV while you have
>       your snapshot existing?
>     02:29 <dato> a copy is made into the space of the snapshot prior to
>       overwriting?
>     02:29 <vorlon> that becomes part of the delta recorded in the snapshot
>     02:29 <vorlon> yes
>     02:29 <vorlon> that's the point of a snapshot :)
>     02:30 <vorlon> so in theory if you make your snapshot big enough, you
>       can actually do a chroot upgrade while a build is runing
>     02:32 <dato> ok. then it sounds like I want a _small_ LV with 3 or 4
>       chroots containing essential+build-essential
>     02:32 <dato> and _never_ chroot into there, always create a snapshot
>     02:34 <dato> vorlon: I guess you won't mind if I take this conversation
>       and prepare a mail for rleigh? :)
>     02:35 <vorlon> but yeah, if schroot could support specifying a path to
>       the chroot relative to the lv root dir, that should do it
>     02:36 <dato> aye
>     03:21 <dato> vorlon: mmm, wait.
>     03:22 <dato> vorlon: I think I'm confused. if I have a 600mb LV with
>       it's filesystem full, does snapshotting buy me something?
>     03:22 <vorlon> uh... it doesn't, no
>     03:22 <vorlon> you would have to pre-allocate the space on the base LV
>     03:22 <vorlon> unless you want to do the grow/snapshot/resize dance
>     03:23 <dato> right, that's what I ended up learning yesterday
>     03:23 <dato> and since that's what I wanted to avoid, I guess I'm stuck
>       (unless I give up) to the funny dance
>     03:24 <vorlon> ok

This looks like a great idea, and I've implemented it today.  I've
attached a patch for it (against current CVS).

A test tarball is here, which you can build into debs if you like:

Please could you give it a try, and if you have any comments about it,
I'll be happy to make any further amendments.

This patch adds a "location" parameter for "block-device" and derived
types (like "lvm-snapshot", which is a location inside the filesystem.
This required a bit of refactoring of other chroots, including the
base class, but if anything it makes things a bit cleaner all round.
The documentation is also updated.

I've done some testing, and not found any regressions so far.  I
haven't tested session creation/running/ending, though, just automatic

 po/en_GB.po                           |  117 
+++++++++++++++++----------------- po/sv.po                              |  114 
 po/vi.po                              |  114 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 schroot/run/00check                   |    4 -
 schroot/run/50sbuild                  |   14 ++--
 schroot/ |   20 +++++
 schroot/sbuild-chroot-block-device.h  |   18 +++++
 schroot/       |    2
 schroot/        |   15 ----
 schroot/sbuild-chroot-plain.h         |   11 ---
 schroot/              |   27 +++++++
 schroot/sbuild-chroot.h               |   35 ++++++++++
 schroot/             |   10 +-
 schroot/            |   13 +++
 schroot/             |    7 ++
 schroot/setup/00check                 |   12 ++-
 schroot/setup/10mount                 |   20 ++---
 schroot/setup/20network               |    2
 schroot/setup/30passwd                |    6 -
 schroot/setup/50chrootname            |    2
 test/    |    1
 test/            |    1
 test/    |    1
 test/           |    8 +-
 test/                 |    1
 25 files changed, 349 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)


Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?
                Debian GNU/Linux
                GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848.  Please sign and encrypt your mail.

Attachment: schroot-unify-paths.diff.bz2
Description: Unify path handling for all chroot types

Attachment: pgprV05ta2PBv.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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