On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 01:04:32AM +1030, Ron wrote:
> Would you like to hear the most amusing irony about this that I've seen
> to date?
> While poking about to fix some different problems, I just happened to
> notice that upstream DID apply your patch to the current release.

Whoa, interesting!
I tested your mingw32 package without success - was this
built using the "current release" you refer to?? If yes, I will have to 
check once more where the problem is.

> I guess you should update the other reports to concur that it in fact
> does not work for you either...  ;-)

My patch works with mingw32 - does the timestamp in the
version number refer to the GCC release? A lot can happen in 1.5 years. :-|



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer
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