Am 17.01.2018 um 21:39 schrieb Vladislav Kurz:
> Package: systemd
> Version: 232-25+deb9u1
> Severity: normal
> Hello,
> This is a followup to archived bug #870361
> I have been installing new servers with similar setup as last time, and
> ran into the same problem. I think I have narrowed the problem down to
> The problem affects not only my custom service unit but also the generated
> unit for isc-dhcp-server.
> This is /var/run/systemd/generator.late/isc-dhcp-server.service
> # Automatically generated by systemd-sysv-generator
> [Unit]
> Documentation=man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
> SourcePath=/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server
> Description=LSB: DHCP server
> After=slapd.service
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> Restart=no
> TimeoutSec=5min
> IgnoreSIGPIPE=no
> KillMode=process
> GuessMainPID=no
> RemainAfterExit=yes
> SuccessExitStatus=5 6
> ExecStart=/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start
> ExecStop=/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server stop
> ==== EOF ====
> You see it has, and yet my server failed to
> start DHCP server in 3 out of 4 reboots, with this in syslog:
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]: No subnet declaration for eno2 (no IPv4 
> addresses).
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]: ** Ignoring requests on eno2.  If this
> is not what
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]:    you want, please write a subnet
> declaration
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]:    in your dhcpd.conf file for the
> network segment
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]:    to which interface eno2 is attached. **
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]:
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]:
> Jan 17 15:40:43 gw dhcpd[1269]: Not configured to listen on any interfaces!
> ==== EOF ====
> Yet after logging to the server eno2 was configured and I was able to
> start dhcp server manually. The dhcpd.conf is:
> option domain-name "";
> option domain-name-servers;
> option netbios-name-servers;
> option ntp-servers;
> option log-servers;
> default-lease-time 86400;
> max-lease-time 604800;
> ddns-update-style none;
> authoritative;
> log-facility local7;
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
>   option routers;
> }
> ==== EOF ====
> I'm not using any network manager or anything...
> eno1 is using dhclient, but will be moved to static when it goes to 
> production. eno2 (dhcp server interface) is static IPv4
> /etc/network/interfaces:
> # The loopback network interface
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> # The primary network interface
> auto eno1
> iface eno1 inet dhcp
>         #address
>         #netmask
>         #gateway
> # The local network interface
> auto eno2
> iface eno2 inet static
>         address
>         netmask
> ==== EOF ====
> In /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server I have only:
> INTERFACESv4="eno2"
> My own service unit for mounting encrypted filesystem was failing at
> exactly the same reboot attempts as dhcp server, so I think this is not
> a bug in my unit or dhcp server but in systemd itself.
> My unit is:
> [Unit]
> Description=Mount encrypted disks (webstep script)
> ConditionPathExists=/usr/local/sbin/
> Before=zfs-import-cache.service
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/
> StandardOutput=journal
> RemainAfterExit=yes
> [Install]
> ==== EOF ====
> I'm attaching a censored syslog from both good and bad boot. You can see
> that in failed case our script and dhcp server is started before
> dhclient, and on sucessful case it is staretd after dhclient. And I dare
> say that sucessfull assignment of IP address by dhclient should be a
> required before is finished.
> My colleague has had a similar case with other server, where our script
> was not run at all, but zfs-import-cache was started early in boot
> process. And after a reboot (without any config change) everything went
> fine. Screenshot comparing the significant parts of boot is attached.
> If you want more config files I can send them.
> If you still think that it is not a fault of systemd, then please tell
> me what I have done wrong, and what should I put in unit files to keep
> them in this order:
> 1. network is fully functional (IP adresses assigned to all interfaces)
> 2. our script is run (wget key and decrypt filesystems) 
> 3. zfs imports and mounts the filesystems
> 4. services that have data on encrypted zfs are started

It's not systemd that pulls in You should contact
the ifupdown maintainers why apparently does not
work for you.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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