On Wed, 2018-01-10 at 20:09:01 -0500, Antoine Beaupre wrote:
> On Mon, May 08, 2017 at 03:33:27PM +0200, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > Dmitry said "I'm not sure if I can make it happen as Grafana became
> > very difficult to package". Well, upstream provides Debian packages so
> > they probably can be used to unstuck this very old issue.
> > 
> > http://docs.grafana.org/installation/debian/#apt-repository
> I confirm this package works well. I have installed in Debian Stretch
> to graph a Prometheus instance and it worked flawlessly.

It might work flawlessly, but the upstream "packaing" has much to be
desired though:

  - Appears to have been "packaged" with fpm…
  - The automatically generated metadata is rather poor, probably
    just incorrect. <https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/409>
  - Installs the systemd service file under /usr/lib instead of /lib,
    which would break deb-systemd-helper (#887456), which it does not
    use anyway.
  - Does not enable the systemd service nor the init script.
  - Marks said systemd service file under /usr/lib as a conffile.
  - Changes pathname owners and permissions w/o checking first with
  - Uses grafana as a user, which can easily clash with user names.
    That should be _grafana.
  - Installs configuration files manually, that it then does not
    cleanup on purge.
  - Ships unstripped executables.
  - Embeds a metric ton of javascript modules.
  - Possibly more…

> I strongly recommend we merge with that work.

…so it's definitely not ready for any merge, which I don't think it's
even worth it anyway, given the way this was generated.


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