On Wed, 2018-01-03 at 11:50 -0300, Ignacio Losiggio wrote:
> Hi! I work on a debian-based distro for education in Argentina and
> recently started working on packaging arduino 1.8.5 (https://github.c
> om/huayralinux/pkg-arduino)
> I packaged an old version of MrBean for jackson2 (https://github.com/
> HuayraLinux/pkg-jackson-module-mrbean) and was starting to make a
> package for lib listserialportsj (https://github.com/arduino/listSeri
> alPortsC) but i cant run the jar having all the dependencies
> installed.
> I probably has something to do with the version on libjackson2
> (arduino uses 2.6.x debian has 2.8.x) but i still don't know how to
> overcome this.
> Is anyone working on the package right now?

Hi Ignacio,

I'm sorry it took me this long to reply, for some reason I did not get
your e-mail.

As I said on my previous e-mail, I am willing to package Arduino 1.8.5.
I'll see if I can write a report of how I'm doing for everyone to
follow through. However, since I got no feedback, I'm not sure there
will be someone willing to sponsor so many packages.

I did attempt to package liblistserialsj. I'll upload it so anyone else
can test and review it. I believe the package works fine and all that
is left to do is writting proper changelog and copyright files. (Apart
from filling in an ITP)

 [1]: https://github.com/rockstorm101/listserialportsc-debian-pkg


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