---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Lovell <ron163...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#888050: network-manager: Debian
Unstable network-manager 1.10.2-3 does not complete processing
To: Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org>

Yes indeed, that worked great.  I then did a restart, and status of
NetworkManager looks
normal. Thanks!

That's a problem with us retired folks. We have all that time on our hands,
so we update
too quickly.  It's a pleasure to give back to projects that have been
important to me all
these years.

Again, thanks.

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 5:01 PM, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> wrote:

> Am 22.01.2018 um 23:53 schrieb Ron Lovell:
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > Thanks for the quick reply. Looks like I updated to 1.10.2-2 earlier in
> > the day yesterday,
> > then the 1.10.2-3 update came later in the day yesterday.  Sounds like
> > it fits. Journal
> > messages for NetworkManager.service startup are quite confusing; looks
> > like it kinda
> > starts but parts fail later.
> >
> > How do I recover?
> Sorry for that.
> I quickly made the -3 upload in the hope that not too many users would
> have upgraded to -2 in the mean time.
> How do you recover? If you kill the running NetworkManager processes
> manually via "sudo pkill NetworkManager", then manually start NM via
> "sudo systemctl start NetworkManager" and then proceed with the failed
> upgrade via dpkg --configure -a , does it work?
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
> universe are pointed away from Earth?

James Ronald Lovell <ron163...@gmail.com>
Huntsville, AL, USA

James Ronald Lovell <ron163...@gmail.com>
Huntsville, AL, USA

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