Package: libicu57
Version: 57.1-6+deb9u1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

 we have troubles using the NumberFormatter from php which uses libicu to
format strings according to locale.  From what I can tell this is a regress
in ICU from jessie to stretch.

 This is a short testing snippet that failed for us:

:~$ cat test-formatter.php
$numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter('de-AT',
$numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter('de-DE',
$numberFormatter = new NumberFormatter('en-US',
:~$ php -f test-formatter.php
string(11) "1 000 000"
string(9) "1.000.000"
string(9) "1,000,000"

 Thing is, for de-AT the same output than for de-DE is expected, but not given.
This worked with the version in jessie.

 Why do I think this is a regression in ICU and not in php? We have tried
the php packages from and it doesn't change anything regardless of
which php version we are using, may it be php5 or php7. It works on jessie
(we bet "1.000.000" for de-AT there too) but doesn't work anymore on

 What I see here:

                group{" "}

 This might be the culprit - it wasn't there in 52.  Though, I can't find
that anywhere within the Debian source, where would that be, I would like
to try out a test build that could fix the issue for us locally.

 I can find that it was done in upstream changeset 37836, but the log
message "CLDR 28 data integration" doesn't really enlighten me. The
mergeinfo changesets neither.

 Do you have any contact with emmons or know how dig further through their
trac to find out where this might have came from because the change doesn't
make much sense to me and I'd like to know the reasoning behind this
change, it's causing troubles for our application.

 Thanks in advance,

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