severity 354026 normal
retitle 354026 Debian Java Policy needs to be updated regarding java*-runtime 
reassign 354026 java-common 

On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 01:36:40AM +0700, William S wrote:
> The packages generated by the make-jpkg tool do not provide the
> virtual package java1-runtime. However, several packages depend
> on java1-runtime only (and not java-runtime or java2-runtime).
Thanks for your use of Debian and java-package as well as your
time in filing this bug report.  The Debian Java Packaging Project
has had an ongoing discussion about this issue, most recently on
debian-java[0].  Neither java1-runtime nor java2-runtime are 
relevant anymore; our current concensus is that java-runtime 
should be used, possibly in conjunction with a classpath-runtime
virtual package to account for differences between non-free JREs
and the free runtimes for Java(TM).
> Some examples from my sarge packages list:
> jflex 1.3.5-7
> libdom1-java 0.19990107-6
> libjdepend-java 2.9-1
> libjzlib-java 1.0.5-1.1
There are currently 115 packages that depend on java1-runtime in
unstable.  Since sarge is frozen and released, package version in
it are not subject to change.
> I cannot find any information on the Debian Java FAQ, but the
> Debian policy for Java states that the preferred virtual package
> name is java1-runtime. The discussion on the mailing list
> (
> said that it will soon be fixed in experimental but the newest
> version on the mirrors is 0.27 and the packages it generates
> still do not provide java1-runtime.
[0] -

Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed

Registered Linux User #368650

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