Control: retitle 787774 ITP: node-openpgp -- OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation 
Control: claim 787774
Control: owner 787774
Control: block 787774 with 888989

On Wed 2018-01-31 23:05:56 +0100, Jérémy Lal wrote:
> npm2deb can help you setting up things more quickly.
> For example it will tell there's a missing dependency on node-localstorage,
> which in turn luckily depends on a package already in debian.
> The build system (using grunt) might be missing some packages too.

thanks very much for your guidance!

I've run into in the process of trying to
follow the npm2deb instructions on a debian sid virtual machine. :(

If npm2deb isn't fixable in the near term, perhaps there's another
package that has similar layout that i could look to as an example instead?

> Since it's distributed with a package.json and it is built using nodejs,
> the source package should be node-openpgp
> and built packages should be node-openpgp and libjs-openpgp.

thanks, this is good to know.

i'm likely to set up a packaging repo for this, using the
git-buildpackage pattern with a debian branch that derives from the
upstream git repo.  Is this something that you'd want in salsa within
the js-team/ namespace (i.e. as js-team/node-openpgp), or should i upload it
as debian/node-openpgp ?  If you prefer the former, i guess i need
membership on the js-team group.


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