I comfirm that setuid(0) fixes my issue! Thank you for your advise.
I made a small patch of the workaround for nvidia-modprobe.
Please check the attached file.

The configuration in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf requires
to fork /bin/sh with root privilege because it contains some shell commands.
So, I think this issue affects to most of users.

--- nvidia-modprobe-384.111.orig/modprobe-utils/nvidia-modprobe-utils.c
+++ nvidia-modprobe-384.111/modprobe-utils/nvidia-modprobe-utils.c
@@ -374,6 +374,10 @@ static int modprobe_helper(const int pri
+	    /* Workaround for debian's /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf configuration. 
+	     * See Bug#888952 for details */
+	    setuid(0);
             execle(modprobe_path, "modprobe",
                    module_name, NULL, envp);

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