Hi Fabien

Thank you for mirroring Debian.

- http://mirrors.pxd.me/ return 403
- http://mirrors.pxd.me/debian/ return 403
- You don't include source, which makes you violate the license of a lot
  of software and is a red flag.
- Just "amd64" is a bit meagre.
- You don't list any organization, which makes me believe this is a
  personal mirror and does not belong into the official list.

On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 09:33:52AM +0000, Fabien Menager wrote:
> Submission-Type: new
> Site: mirrors.pxd.me
> Type: leaf
> Archive-architecture: amd64
> Archive-http: /debian/
> Maintainer: Fabien Menager <fabien.mena...@gmail.com>
> Country: FR France
> Location: La Rochelle

History tends to exaggerate.
                -- Col. Green, "The Savage Curtain", stardate 5906.4

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