[argh, now with the correct bugnumber in CC]

Hello Maryse & Jean,

Am 10.02.2018 um 12:16 schrieb Maryse Argouin & Jean Lafontaine:
> Hello,
> I got it, no problem i'm not used to error reporting vocabulary and
> "étiquette"
> Here is the error log from Thunderbird error console:

such errors are a bit "normal" and not related to the apparmor profile
issues. Please note Thunderbird don't know anything from a running
apparmor fencing and thus can't do any relation to it.

> Let me know if i can provide or verifiy anything else
Yes, messages from the error console of Thunderbird aren't sufficient
here, the relevant information for debugging the apparmor behavior can
be found by the dmesg or journalctl command like described in the linked
URL I've written in my previous email.

PS: Please use always 'Reply-All' without the CC recipients will be cut
of in your answer. By this your feedback isn't reaching the BTS.

Carsten Schoenert

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