On Fri, 9 Feb 2018 09:34:43 +0100 Bastian Blank <wa...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 01:50:29AM -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > Because I don't get that error when I try to replicate the condition.
> So postconf does not fail for you if inet_interfaces lists an ip the
> system does not currently have?
> > Feb 09 01:28:58 relay02 postmulti[3783]: fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: 
> > local interface found for
> According to this, postmulti errors out.  And as postconf uses the same
> code, I don't see how it would succeed.
> > Not sure how to replicate the error you're having.
> The problem is a failing postconf/postmulti if the ip does not exists.
> And while the generator is called, apart from and ::1, _none_
> exist.

Would you please check that your /lib/systemd/system/postfix@.service has:

After=network-online.target nss-lookup.target

At least as I understand it, that's supposed to make sure the network is up 
before postfix starts.

Scott K

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