On Sat, 17 Feb 2018 17:08:08 -0500
Michael Gilbert <mgilb...@debian.org> wrote:

> Do you have an nvidia graphics card?  If so, could you try installing
> nvidia-driver-libs-i386?  If that works, this duplicates #839592.

Hi Mike,

I see there was a new steam came down recently, I am on the road and
don't have a 32-bit machine handy, so tried on this 64-bit laptop that
used to work. Not any longer, this is how running "steam" in a terminal
[2018-02-18 12:49:56] Downloading update (274,863 of 274,863 KB)...
[2018-02-18 12:49:56] Download Complete.
[2018-02-18 12:49:56] uninstalled manifest found
in /home/user/.steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12 (1). 
[2018-02-18 12:49:56] Extracting package... 
[2018-02-18 12:50:25] Installing update... 
[2018-02-18 12:50:27] Cleaning up... 
[2018-02-18 12:50:27] Update complete, launching... 
[2018-02-18 12:50:27] Shutdown tar: This does not look like a tar
archive xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: ‘/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime’: No such file or

which looks pretty similar to how the 32-bit machine used to fail,
minus the display errors. I won't be able to check the video card on
the 32-bit machine until I get home, but I very much doubt it is
nvidia. I generally have a policy of not buying things with nvidia

It is probably worth underlining that all of my desktop machines are
always running Debian Testing, not a Debian Stable to be seen anywhere
except in the occasional virtual machine, and I avoid customization
like the plague. Almost everything should be very standard, just as the
package maintainers intended.


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