severity #354535 normal


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 gnome-cups-manager is not unusable because you think it is hard to

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan wrote:
> This is a usability problem that I encountered. I expected the
> gnome-cups-manager (or some kind of print configuration menu) to
> appear under the Applications->System Tools menu as to be expected
> with any GNOME configuration tool, but I cannot find any kind of
> way to invoke it from not only this place but also the place
> pointer out by the menu file.

 GNOME configuration tools are divided in 2 areas, and definitely not
 under Applications->System Tools.  Applications->System Tools is meant
 for low-level applications, which are typically used when diagnosing
 low-level problems.

 The *configuration* tools are below the Desktop panel menu, under
 either Preferences when they affect the current user, or under
 Administration when they affect the system.

 gnome-cups-manager is below Desktop->Administration.

> The purpose of projects like GNOME is defeated by making it difficult
> to find, let alone, difficult to use. I am *not* a lay user and I
> experience a lot of difficulty get printing to work with GNOME,
> gnome-cups-manager is just one hurdle. I wonder how difficult it
> will be for a lay user to use a printer with GNOME.

 If you have a gripe against GNOME, feel free to start a constructive
 discussion on one of their list, or open an upstream bug report against
 the relevant product.  The Debian BTS is not the place to discuss your
 global opinion on what GNOME is for and your feelings.


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