Hi Gregor,

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 06:23:02PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > people (including me) who consider this totally insane since this just
> > continues the "Update Vcs-fields every second year" cycle and I really
> > hope that this insanity will be broken by simply pointing anonscm to
> > salsa in general once the migration is done.
> Well, to be fair, the URLs (the path part after the host) won't match
> anyway, and I don't see a way to come up with a generic rewriting
> scheme.

What do you mean here?  The AliothRewriter rules at least for the Debian
Med team are created automatically in most cases (well some exceptions
where r-* packages are moved to a different team).  So what exactly do
you have in mind when you doubt the generic rewriting scheme?
> (And at that point we could argue again that Vcs-* and other
> information shouldn't be in the source package but that won't help
> for this bug.)   

Yes, please do not discuss this here!

Kind regards



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