From:   James Cowgill <>
Date:   Wed, 21 Feb 2018 10:28:30 +0000
> You tagged the bug "upstream". This tag usually means that the bug is
> known to be in upstream mpv. How do you know this?

My intended meaning was that the report probably has relevance 
outside Debian.  So I misunderstood the use of the upstream tag.

> I don't know what "imager" and "dalton" mean. Do they have identical
> versions of mpv and identical kernels (probably the 2 most important
> bits here)?

Dalton has an Asus badge and a Foxcon system board.
Imager is a Dell Dimension 2400. Both have stock debian 9 with package 
installation by routine application of apt-get and aptitude.  Imager has 
some configuration files not in dalton.

> Does ffmpeg's v4l2 support work better?
>  mpv -v av://v4l2:/dev/video0

Much better.  For dalton, the textual output is almost all green with a few 
lines in white.  Red text appears only when the live video window 
is closed to exit.  For imager, a few lines are problematic.
[vo/opengl] At least OpenGL 2.1 or OpenGL ES 2.0 required.
[vo/vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 25
[vo/xv] Warning: this legacy VO has bad quality and performance, ...
[cplayer] Invalid video timestamp: 1.221889 -> -4167.930372

Is an opengl dependancy not provided?
VO = Video Output ?  mpv wants a better display?
The system clock is right.  What is the problem in the timestamp?

Actually I tried "mpv -v --display=:0 av://v4l2:/dev/video0", learned 
that "--display=:0" isn't accepted and fell back to invocation from 
an LXTerminal.

> Does your webcam actually play in mpv? Is it just the log messages that
> bother you?

Live video was always produced but the messages raised suspicion that 
output was sub-optimal.  So the messages were the primary concern. 
But really I wasn't using mpv as currently intended.

Transcripts follow.  The questions above are my only immediate concerns.  
If you decide to close the report, I have no objection.  Next will return  
to a Hauppauge frame grabber.

Thanks,                    ... Peter E.

peter@dalton:~$ mpv -v av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[cplayer] Command line options: '-v' 'av://v4l2:/dev/video0'
[cplayer] mpv 0.23.0 (C) 2000-2016 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on UNKNOWN
[cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       55.34.101
[cplayer]    libavcodec      57.64.101
[cplayer]    libavformat     57.56.101
[cplayer]    libswscale      4.2.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     6.65.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   2.3.100
[cplayer] ffmpeg version: 3.2.10-1~deb9u1
[cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr 
--libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu --confdir=/etc/mpv 
--zshdir=/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions --enable-cdda --enable-sdl2 
--enable-sndio --enable-zsh-comp --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-encoding 
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa any-gl asm atomics audio-input 
avcodec-chroma-pos-api avframe-metadata avframe-skip-samples 
avutil-mastering-metadata c11-tls cdda cplayer debug-build dlopen drm dvbin 
dvdnav dvdread egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 encoding fchmod gbm gbm.h gcc-tls gl 
gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob gnuc iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libass 
libass-osd libav libavdevice libavfilter libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared 
librt libsmbclient libswresample libv4l2 linux-fstatfs lua nanosleep optimize 
oss-audio oss-audio-native plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn pthreads 
pulse resampler rubberband sdl2 shm sndio sse4-intrinsics standard-gl stdatomic 
subprocess termios tv tv-v4l2 vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-glx vaapi-hwaccel 
vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vdpau-hwaccel videodev 
vt.h wayland x11 xext xinerama xrandr xss xv zlib zsh-comp
[global] config path: '' -> '/home/peter/.config/mpv'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/etc/mpv/config'
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/input.conf'
[osc] Loading script @osc.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[osc] loading mp.defaults
[osc] loading @osc.lua
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found. 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, mouse_move 
script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input, mouse_btn0 
script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[cplayer] mouse_btn2 script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[cplayer] mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] mouse_btn2_dbl ignore
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, del 
script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[cplayer] , default]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, 
[cplayer] Done loading @osc.lua.
[ytdl_hook] Loading script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.4.2 (COMPLEX)
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_load, 1, 10]
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded, 2, 10]
[cplayer] Done loading @ytdl_hook.lua.
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/watch_later'
[cplayer] Playing: av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_load]
[avdevice] Opening av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[avdevice] Stream opened successfully.
[demux] Trying demuxers for level=request.
[lavf] Found 'video4linux2,v4l2' at score=100 size=0 (forced).
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: fd:7 capabilities:84200001
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Querying the device for the current frame 
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Setting frame size to 160x120
[lavf] Could not set AVOption user_agent='mpv 0.23.0'
[lavf] Could not set AVOption tls_verify='0'
[lavf] Could not set AVOption icy='1'
[lavf] avformat_find_stream_info() finished after 0 bytes.
[demux] Detected file format: video4linux2,v4l2 (libavformat)
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/etc/mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/audio/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/audio/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/etc/mpv/audio/'
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded]
[cplayer]  (+) Video --vid=1 (rawvideo)
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'wayland'
[vo/opengl/wayland] failed to connect to a wayland server: check if a wayland 
compositor is running
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11probe'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 2432x960 (":0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA-0): [0, 0, 1280, 960] @ 85.002473 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 1 (DVI-0): [1280, 0, 2432, 864] @ 75.000000 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 85.002473
[vo/opengl] GLX chose FB config with ID 0xac96d690
[vo/opengl] GLX chose visual with ID 0x1e9
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.3 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917af8, resourceid: 132, serial: 3b
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.2 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917af8, resourceid: 132, serial: 3e
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.1 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917af8, resourceid: 132, serial: 41
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.0 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917af8, resourceid: 132, serial: 44
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b5, request code: 9b, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 2.1 context...
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='2.1 Mesa 13.0.6'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 2.1.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='X.Org R300 Project'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV350'
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_texture_rg.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_texture_float.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GLX_SGI_swap_control.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GLX_SGI_video_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] No vdpau support found - probing more things.
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11egl'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 2432x960 (":0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA-0): [0, 0, 1280, 960] @ 85.002473 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 1 (DVI-0): [1280, 0, 2432, 864] @ 75.000000 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 85.002473
[vo/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.4 (DRI2)
[vo/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[vo/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES 
[vo/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='2.1 Mesa 13.0.6'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 2.1.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='X.Org R300 Project'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV350'
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_texture_rg.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_texture_float.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] swap_control extension missing.
[vo/opengl] 16 bit texture depth: 16.
[vo/opengl] Reported display depth: R=8, G=8, B=8
[vo/opengl] Testing FBO format 0x805b
[vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16)
[vo/opengl] Using FBO format 0x805b.
[vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[vo/opengl] Assuming 85.002473 FPS for display sync.
[vd] Container reported FPS: 15.000000
[vd] Codec list:
[vd]     rawvideo - raw video
[vd] Opening video decoder rawvideo
[vd] Not trying to use hardware decoding: codec rawvideo is not on whitelist, 
or does not support hardware acceleration.
[vd] Using software decoding.
[vd] Detected 1 logical cores.
[vd] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[vd] Selected video codec: rawvideo (raw video)
[cplayer] Starting playback...
[vo/opengl/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[vd] Decoder format: 160x120 [0:1] yuyv422 auto/auto/auto/auto CL=unknown
[vf] Using conversion filter.
[ffmpeg] SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 4
[ffmpeg] SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 4
[ffmpeg] SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 1
[ffmpeg] SwScaler: reducing / aligning filtersize 1 -> 1
[ffmpeg] swscaler: bicubic scaler, from yuyv422 to yuv422p using MMXEXT
[ffmpeg] swscaler: 160x120 -> 160x120
[ffmpeg] swscaler: using unscaled yuyv422 -> yuv422p special converter
[vf] Video filter chain:
[vf]   [in] 160x120 yuyv422 bt.601/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown
[vf]   [scale] 160x120 yuv422p bt.601/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown [a]
[vf]   [out] 160x120 yuv422p bt.601/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown
[cplayer] VO: [opengl] 160x120 yuv422p
[cplayer] VO: Description: Extended OpenGL Renderer
[vo/opengl/x11] not waiting for MapNotify
[vo/opengl] Resize: 160x119
[vo/opengl] Window size: 160x119
[vo/opengl] Video source: 160x120 (1:1)
[vo/opengl] Video display: (0, 0) 160x120 -> (1, 0) 158x119
[vo/opengl] Video scale: 0.987500/0.991667
[vo/opengl] OSD borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[vo/opengl] Video borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[vo/opengl] Testing FBO format 0x805b
[vo/opengl] Create FBO: 16x16 (16x16)
[vo/opengl] Using FBO format 0x805b.
[vo/opengl] No advanced processing required. Enabling dumb mode.
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 0: 160x120
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 1: 80x120
[vo/opengl] Texture for plane 2: 80x120
[cplayer] set video colors output-levels=0 
[vo/opengl] recompiling a shader program:
[vo/opengl] [  1] color.r = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture0, texcoord0)).r;
[vo/opengl] [  2] color.g = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture1, texcoord1)).r;
[vo/opengl] [  3] color.b = 1.000000 * vec4(texture(texture2, texcoord2)).r;
[vo/opengl] [  4] // color conversion
[vo/opengl] [  5] color.rgb = mat3(colormatrix) * color.rgb + colormatrix_c;
[vo/opengl] [  6] color.a = 1.0;
[vo/opengl] [  7] // color mapping
[osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> 
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf, 0, DejaVuSans
[cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[cplayer] playback restart complete
[statusline] V: 00:00:03
[cplayer] Run command: quit, flags=9, args=[0]
[cplayer] EOF code: 6  
[vd] Uninit video.
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Some buffers are still owned by the caller 
on close.
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[vo/opengl/x11] Enabling screensaver.
[cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 3)
[cplayer] Exiting... (Quit)
[osc] Exiting...
[ytdl_hook] Exiting...
[vo/opengl] flushing shader cache
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...

peter@imager:~$ mpv -v av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[cplayer] Command line options: '-v' 'av://v4l2:/dev/video0'
[cplayer] mpv 0.23.0 (C) 2000-2016 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on UNKNOWN
[cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       55.34.101
[cplayer]    libavcodec      57.64.101
[cplayer]    libavformat     57.56.101
[cplayer]    libswscale      4.2.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     6.65.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   2.3.100
[cplayer] ffmpeg version: 3.2.10-1~deb9u1
[cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr 
--libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu --confdir=/etc/mpv 
--zshdir=/usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions --enable-cdda --enable-sdl2 
--enable-sndio --enable-zsh-comp --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-encoding 
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa any-gl asm atomics audio-input 
avcodec-chroma-pos-api avframe-metadata avframe-skip-samples 
avutil-mastering-metadata c11-tls cdda cplayer debug-build dlopen drm dvbin 
dvdnav dvdread egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 encoding fchmod gbm gbm.h gcc-tls gl 
gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob gnuc iconv jack jpeg lcms2 libass 
libass-osd libav libavdevice libavfilter libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared 
librt libsmbclient libswresample libv4l2 linux-fstatfs lua nanosleep optimize 
oss-audio oss-audio-native plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn pthreads 
pulse resampler rubberband sdl2 shm sndio sse4-intrinsics standard-gl stdatomic 
subprocess termios tv tv-v4l2 vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-glx vaapi-hwaccel 
vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vdpau-hwaccel videodev 
vt.h wayland x11 xext xinerama xrandr xss xv zlib zsh-comp
[global] config path: '' -> '/home/peter/.config/mpv'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/etc/mpv/config'
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/input.conf'
[osc] Loading script @osc.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[osc] loading mp.defaults
[osc] loading @osc.lua
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -/-> 
[osc] lua-settings/osc.conf not found. 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, mouse_move 
script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input, mouse_btn0 
script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0 script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[cplayer] mouse_btn2 script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[cplayer] mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] shift+mouse_btn0_dbl ignore
[cplayer] mouse_btn2_dbl ignore
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, del 
script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[cplayer] , default]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, 
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, 
[cplayer] Done loading @osc.lua.
[ytdl_hook] Loading script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.4.2 (COMPLEX)
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_load, 1, 10]
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded, 2, 10]
[cplayer] Done loading @ytdl_hook.lua.
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'watch_later' -> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/watch_later'
[cplayer] Playing: av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_load
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_load]
[avdevice] Opening av://v4l2:/dev/video0
[avdevice] Stream opened successfully.
[demux] Trying demuxers for level=request.
[lavf] Found 'video4linux2,v4l2' at score=100 size=0 (forced).
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: fd:7 capabilities:84200001
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Querying the device for the current frame 
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Setting frame size to 640x480
[lavf] Could not set AVOption user_agent='mpv 0.23.0'
[lavf] Could not set AVOption tls_verify='0'
[lavf] Could not set AVOption icy='1'
[lavf] avformat_find_stream_info() finished after 0 bytes.
[demux] Detected file format: video4linux2,v4l2 (libavformat)
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'sub/' -/-> '/etc/mpv/sub/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/home/peter/.config/mpv/audio/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/home/peter/.mpv/audio/'
[global] config path: 'audio/' -/-> '/etc/mpv/audio/'
[cplayer] Running hook: ytdl_hook/on_preloaded
[cplayer] Run command: hook-ack, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded]
[cplayer]  (+) Video --vid=1 (rawvideo)
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'wayland'
[vo/opengl/wayland] failed to connect to a wayland server: check if a wayland 
compositor is running
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11probe'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :1.0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 1280x1024 (":1.0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1280, 1024] @ 75.024675 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 75.024675
[vo/opengl] GLX chose FB config with ID 0xac937698
[vo/opengl] GLX chose visual with ID 0x72
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.3 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917b28, resourceid: 129, serial: 39
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b2, request code: 9a, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.2 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917b28, resourceid: 129, serial: 3c
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b2, request code: 9a, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.1 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917b28, resourceid: 129, serial: 3f
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b2, request code: 9a, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 3.0 context...
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 error: GLXBadFBConfig
[vo/opengl/x11] Type: 0, display: 0xac917b28, resourceid: 129, serial: 42
[vo/opengl/x11] Error code: b2, request code: 9a, minor code: 22
[vo/opengl] Creating OpenGL 2.1 context...
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='1.3 Mesa 13.0.6'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 1.3.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) 845G x86/MMX/SSE2'
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GLX_SGI_swap_control.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GLX_SGI_video_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] No vdpau support found - probing more things.
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...
[vo/opengl] Initializing OpenGL backend 'x11egl'
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 opening display: :1.0
[vo/opengl/x11] X11 running at 1280x1024 (":1.0" => local display)
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/opengl/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1280, 1024] @ 75.024675 FPS
[vo/opengl/x11] Current display FPS: 75.024675
[vo/opengl] EGL_VERSION=1.4 (DRI2)
[vo/opengl] EGL_VENDOR=Mesa Project
[vo/opengl] EGL_CLIENT_APIS=OpenGL OpenGL_ES 
[vo/opengl] Trying to create Desktop OpenGL context.
[vo/opengl] GL_VERSION='1.3 Mesa 13.0.6'
[vo/opengl] Detected desktop OpenGL 1.3.
[vo/opengl] GL_VENDOR='Intel Open Source Technology Center'
[vo/opengl] GL_RENDERER='Mesa DRI Intel(R) 845G x86/MMX/SSE2'
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_object.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_sync.
[vo/opengl] Loaded extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
[vo/opengl] swap_control extension missing.
[vo/opengl] At least OpenGL 2.1 or OpenGL ES 2.0 required.
[vo/opengl/x11] uninit ...
[vo/vdpau/x11] X11 opening display: :1.0
[vo/vdpau/x11] X11 running at 1280x1024 (":1.0" => local display)
[vo/vdpau/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/vdpau/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/vdpau/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/vdpau/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/vdpau/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1280, 1024] @ 75.024675 FPS
[vo/vdpau/x11] Current display FPS: 75.024675
libva info: VA-API version 0.39.4
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
libvdpau-va-gl: Device::Resource::Resource(): gl error 1280
[vo/vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 25
[vo/vdpau/x11] uninit ...
[vo/wayland/wayland] failed to connect to a wayland server: check if a wayland 
compositor is running
[vo/xv/x11] X11 opening display: :1.0
[vo/xv/x11] X11 running at 1280x1024 (":1.0" => local display)
[vo/xv/x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[vo/xv/x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[vo/xv/x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[vo/xv/x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[vo/xv/x11] Display 0 (VGA1): [0, 0, 1280, 1024] @ 75.024675 FPS
[vo/xv/x11] Current display FPS: 75.024675
[vo/xv] Using Xv Adapter #0 (Intel(R) Textured Video)
[vo/xv] Drawing no colorkey.
[vo/xv] Maximum source image dimensions: 2048x2048
[vo/xv] Warning: this legacy VO has bad quality and performance, and will in 
particular result in blurry OSD and subtitles. You should fix your graphics 
drivers, or not force the xv VO.
[vo/xv] Assuming 75.024675 FPS for display sync.
[vd] Container reported FPS: 30.000000
[vd] Codec list:
[vd]     rawvideo - raw video
[vd] Opening video decoder rawvideo
[vd] Not trying to use hardware decoding: codec rawvideo is not on whitelist, 
or does not support hardware acceleration.
[vd] Using software decoding.
[vd] Detected 1 logical cores.
[vd] Requesting 1 threads for decoding.
[vd] Selected video codec: rawvideo (raw video)
[cplayer] Starting playback...
[vo/xv/x11] Disabling screensaver.
[vd] Decoder format: 640x480 [0:1] yuyv422 auto/auto/auto/auto CL=unknown
[vf] Video filter chain:
[vf]   [in] 640x480 yuyv422 bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown
[vf]   [out] 640x480 yuyv422 bt.601/bt.601-525/bt.1886/limited CL=unknown
[cplayer] VO: [xv] 640x480 yuyv422
[cplayer] VO: Description: X11/Xv
[vo/xv] Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
[vo/xv] Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
[vo/xv/x11] not waiting for MapNotify
[vo/xv] using Xvideo port 69 for hw scaling
[vo/xv] xv_set_eq called! (bt_709, -100)
[vo/xv] Window size: 640x479
[vo/xv] Video source: 640x480 (1:1)
[vo/xv] Video display: (0, 0) 640x480 -> (1, 0) 638x479
[vo/xv] Video scale: 0.996875/0.997917
[vo/xv] OSD borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[vo/xv] Video borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[vo/xv] Window size: 640x479
[vo/xv] Video source: 640x480 (1:1)
[vo/xv] Video display: (0, 0) 640x480 -> (1, 0) 638x479
[vo/xv] Video scale: 0.996875/0.997917
[vo/xv] OSD borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[vo/xv] Video borders: l=1 t=0 r=1 b=0
[cplayer] set video colors output-levels=0 
[vo/xv] xv_set_eq called! (output-levels, 0)
[cplayer] Video attribute 'output-levels' is not supported by selected vo.
[osd/libass] fontselect: (sans-serif, 400, 0) -> 
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf, 0, DejaVuSans
[cplayer] first video frame after restart shown
[cplayer] playback restart complete
[statusline] V: 00:00:00
[vo/xv] X11 can't keep up! Waiting for XShm completion events...
[statusline] V: 00:00:01
[cplayer] Invalid video timestamp: 1.221889 -> -4167.930372
[statusline] V: -01:09:27
[cplayer] Run command: script-binding, flags=9, args=[osc/__keybinding2]
[cplayer] Run command: quit, flags=9, args=[0]
[cplayer] EOF code: 6  
[vd] Uninit video.
[ffmpeg/demuxer] video4linux2,v4l2: Some buffers are still owned by the caller 
on close.
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[ffmpeg] ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF): Bad file descriptor
[vo/xv/x11] Enabling screensaver.
[cplayer] finished playback, success (reason 3)
[cplayer] Exiting... (Quit)
[osc] Exiting...
[ytdl_hook] Exiting...
[vo/xv/x11] uninit ...

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Tel: +1 360 639 0202                      Pender Is.: +1 250 629 3757              Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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