Control: tags -1 + confirmed
Control: severity -1 minor

On 26-Feb-2018, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> python-daemon depend on python-docutils and python3-daemon depends
> on python3-docutils, but docutils is only needed for building the
> package and not for the runtime. Upstream committed [1] to partially
> address the unneeded depenency.

(For reference, the bug addressed by the upstream change is to work
around a Setuptools bug: it treats ‘setup_requires’ as build-time
*and* install-time dependencies.)

This is a minor packaging bug; I think it does not affect the
library's run-time behaviour, is that right?

> Please just drop docutils from

You mean, patch the upstream build script for the Debian package?

 \     “I object to doing things that computers can do.” —Olin Shivers |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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