
just to avoid a dead-lock: you're still working on the package, nothing to
review atm?
Just let us know (and remove the moreinfo tag as sign) when ready for
the next round of review. (I'd like to avoid reviewing when not everything
has been implemented....)


On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 04:37:34PM -0600, Kurt Kremitzki wrote:
> I'm still addressing some of the feedback given by you and Tobias, but I
> thought I would post an update.
> On 02/12/2018 05:44 AM, Anton Gladky wrote:
> > Hi Kurt,
> > 
> > Just a short review. I did not test the package. But some
> > stuff should be fixed before it will be uploaded.
> > 
> > As I understand you want to maintain the package under the
> > umbrella of debian science team? If so, please fix some
> > corresponding fields (maintaner etc) in d/control.
> > 
> > =====
> > 1. source/include-binaries remove
> > 2. source/options - remove
> > 3. quilt debian/control : quilt - remove
> > 4. VCS - salsa under d/science
> > 5. all lib-packages should be numbered according to its API-version,
> > something like libopencascade-modeling-algorithms7.2
> > 6. Install files of lib-packages should have something like
> > usr/lib/*/libTKMath.so.*, not the particular version
> > 7. --parallel option is not needed with debhelper > 10
> All of the above are done (but not pushed yet.)
> > 8. Not sure about option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.
> Neither am I--normally when I run eg `ccmake` on the OpenCASCADE source this
> variable is already set to `Release`, but without this I get an error
> suggesting it's being set to `none`. I chalked it up to an idiosyncracy in
> > 9. Simplify d/rules. All cp-commands should be replaces by the lines
> > in d/install-files
> Got it--the only one I had a question about was the
> opencascade-draw7.2.desktop file I have in the debian directory. Is it ok
> that I now have something like this in opencascade-draw7.2.install?:
> ../opencascade-draw*.desktop usr/share/applications/
> > 10. Check whether you need mkdir-commands in d/rules
> They were superfluous.
> > 11. override_dh_makeshlibs looks questionable
> Removed.
> > 12. Use dh_missing --fail-missing to be sure that all files are installed.
> Good suggestion, there were about 300 files not being included, most of them
> part of opencascade-draw, which isn't used by FreeCAD and thus I hadn't
> noticed a problem from this.
> However, with all the files included the package now FTBFS with a ton of
> errors like this:
> dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library libTKBinTObj.so.7 needed by
> debian/opencascade-draw7.2/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libTKTObjDRAW.so.7.2.0
> (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64' abi: '0201003e00000000'; RPATH: '')
> All the libraries mentioned are files provided by the libopencascade-
> packages, so I tried adding them to opencascade-draw7.2's Depends: but that
> didn't resolve it, so I'm a little stuck.
> > 13. Point the first upload into the experimental.
> Updated.
> > 14. Double-check __all__ the files and their licenses to save the time
> > for FTP-masters.
> Will do once I clean up my current work and before I push.

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