Re: Michael Biebl 2018-03-03 <>
> Well, I don't think those two cases are the same and as such should be
> treated equally by systemd.
> I see typoing the template name more like adding a typo to
> ExecStart=/sbin/foobard /etc/typo_in_file_name
> In this case foobard would most likely fail to start and systemd would
> mark the service as failed. This is more comparable to your case,
> because the template name is passed as a config option to the service

In that case the error is in a config file, and marking the service as
faulty makes sense. In the unit@instancetypo case, there's nothing
wrong with the system.

(Maybe I'm overzealous here, but my first experience with systemd when
it became default in Debian was setting up postgresql@.service, and
the fact that @typo was sticking around permanently was really
freaking me out, so I was glad I figured a way to avoid it. Iirc
"systemctl reset-failed" was only invented later.)


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