Package: dh-python
Version: 2.20170125
Severity: wishlist

The flit build system is for trivial packages, so it would be nice if
pybuild could auto-detect its use and do things itself.

I have had good results with the following code in d/rules for the
terminado package:

export PYBUILD_NAME=terminado
export PYBUILD_SYSTEM=custom
export PYBUILD_DISABLE=configure build clean
export PYBUILD_INSTALL_ARGS=mkdir -p
{destdir}/usr/lib/python{version}/dist-packages/ && \
  cp -R $(PYBUILD_NAME) {destdir}/usr/lib/python{version}/dist-packages/
&& \
  sed -e 's/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g' debian/$(PYBUILD_NAME).egg-info > \


with the following in d/terminado.egg-info:
Metadata-Version: 1.2
Name: terminado
Version: VERSION
Summary: Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
License: BSD-2-clause
Author: Jupyter development team
Description: UNKNOWN
Platform: UNKNOWN

which could probably be auto-generated using the content of
pyproject.toml and $(PYBUILD_NAME)/ (to get the version).


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