On 13:22 Sun 04 Mar     , debbug.dovecot.imap.zlib.nospam....@sub.noloop.net 
> I was also hit hard by this bug after a recent upgrade from debian 8.x to
> debian 9.x.
> Dovecot spams the following lines multiple times per second and my .gz
> compressed mbox archives do not appear to work properly over imap:
> Mar  3 18:37:28 hostname dovecot: imap(username): Panic: file istream-zlib.c: 
> line 416 (i_stream_zlib_seek): assertion failed: (ret == -1)
> Mar  3 18:37:28 hostname dovecot: imap(username): Fatal: master: 
> service(imap): child 2768 killed with signal 6 (core dumps disabled)
> It would appear that Dovecot 2.2.33 contains a likely fix, based on
> https://www.dovecot.org/doc/NEWS 
> "mbox, zlib: Fix assert-crash when accessing compressed mbox"

Good catch, this appears to be the following commit:

> Stretch only contains 2.2.27, but there is a in
> stretch-backports. It looks like the stretch-backports package was last
> uploaded on 15 Nov 2017, so it probably does not contain the security fixes
> included in DSA-4130-1 which was published on 02 Mar 2018.

No, it doesn't. I have a backport of 2.2.34 ready to upload, once 2.2.34 
hits testing, which should be tomorrow morning. 

> Is there a chance that the "mbox,zlib" fix from 2.2.33 could be included in a
> later Debian 9.x point release? I'm not keen on running a backports package
> that does not appear to get timely security updates.

Yes, I could include this in a stable update. Would you be willing to 
test the proposed update?


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