Hello, for sake of transparency, I'm also publicly stating the private 
discussion we had with hexchat author
(who quoted parts of my answer email on his blog, so I presume this is fine)


Hi, I'm the HexChat maintainer and I noticed you re-added XChat to the Debian 
repositories. To be frank I am baffled and confused.
XChat is a dead project that has not seen a release in 8 years now and as 
somebody who has worked on that codebase for many
of those 8 years it is an awful codebase full of vulnerabilities and bugs. I 
cannot fathom why a distro, especially one like Debian
that cares about quality, would even consider adding this to the repositories. 
I can only assume HexChat did something to anger
you but I feel like putting Debian users at risk is the wrong solution to your 
concerns. I don't expect you to undo this but I am
just curious on how or why it happened.

my answer:

Hello patrick!
>Hi, I'm the HexChat maintainer
thanks for maintaining HexChat! It is now my *first* irc client, I switched 
from xchat to hexchat since some years

>and I noticed you re-added XChat to the Debian repositories. To be frank I am 
>baffled and confused.>XChat is a dead project that has not seen a release in 8 
>years now and as somebody who has worked on that codebase for many
>of those 8 years it is an awful codebase full of vulnerabilities and bugs. I 
>cannot fathom why a distro, especially one like Debian
>that cares about quality, would even consider adding this to the repositories. 
>I can only assume HexChat did something to anger
>you but I feel like putting Debian users at risk is the wrong solution to your 
>concerns. I don't expect you to undo this but I am

>just curious on how or why it happened.

you did absolutely *nothing* wrong, and I think your point is really valid.
Unfortunately I have to add something on top of your words! Hexchat is dead 
upstream, this might be true, but it is not "full of bugs and security
holes", at least not after I adopted it, because I patched all the CVEs and 
various bugs that have been around since the begin.

I don't really have an answer for my adoption of xchat in Debian, it has been 
my first irc client, back in the days irc was really used, I loved it,
I didn't love the hexchat necessary switch, but now I'm used to the new 
graphic, and I find it even superior.

that said, I like to have a B plan in case hexchat stops working because of 
some new features requiring new systems, new libraries not available
maybe on older pc (e.g.I maintain an Ubuntu ppa that builds xchat back to 
Ubuntu 14.04, I don't think hexchat can run on such older systems without
patching, mainly due to the necessary switch to new libraries and better 

I was confused about the reintroduction, as well as you, but since the first 
upload, I got a lot of emails, thanking me bringing it back, and a
backport request really minutes after it has hit unstable again. Other Debian 
Developers asked me to comaintain backports on older Debian 
distributions, so I think I wasn't the only one feeling nostalgic of the old 
days, and old graphics :)

BTW, xchat is *fixed* for CVEs, and *stable* wrt libraries, I could even say 
that developing something increases the possibility to introduce new bugs :)

(this is a joke, please don't take it seriously!).

I often have something that breaks on my development laptop, because I install 
new libraries, and test combinations of stuff that is not "what we release".
Since I use irc a lot, having a backup plan for an irc connection is something 
I really need to have, even if right now 95% of the time is Hexchat, and 0.5% 

Anyhow, unless you really find bugs / vulnerabilities in xchat/Debian, I would 
like to keep it in the archive for some more years, maybe until Ubuntu 14.04 
End Of Life, or maybe until I find another good replacement for hexchat in case 
of breakages :)

BTW don't feel bad, I'm not stealing users to hexchat, popcon seems to agree 
that xchat is really for a bunch of old developers left :)

I hope I did answer to you, please let me know if I missed anything, I'm really 
open to a discussion, even public on this topic :)

(and thanks for hexchat!)


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