
Le 01/03/2018 à 01:24, Moein Alinaghian a écrit :
> I would be happy in case he makes it sometime in the next week. I am
> patient :) And thanks again for the spending time helping me as well
> as helping Debian.

My AM reviewed your package and found two things :

- in d/control, the line X-Python3-Version is useless (stable has that
already!) -- easy to fix, wouldn't get the package rejected ;

- in d/copyright, "Check the website for the full list." would get the
package rejected : either put the full list, or leave the one name you
already have (and is the one given in setup.py)

Afterwards I saw other problems:

- in d/control, your Vcs-* fields should point to where the packaging is
managed, not to upstream. If you don't maintain in a publically
available repository, those fields should probably not be there ; see:

- in d/control, I wonder if using "GUI" repeatedly in the description is
a good idea ; what about something like this, with different paragraphs
for different ideas :

Description: Graphical download manager based on Aria2
 Persepolis is a graphical user interface on the Aria2 download manager.
 Aria2 is a high speed download utility which is capable of making several
 connections to download files. It will boost the download in some cases,
 specially if you have a limited connection.
 Persepolis makes the usage of Aria2 easier by providing a graphical
interface for it and in
 addition, it includes some extra functionalities like scheduled downloads.

With some luck I'll be a DD soon and sponsor you myself :-)

Snark on #debian-mentors

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