Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I orphan the rapidjson package.

Package: rapidjson-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Description: fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX/DOM style API
 RapidJSON is an attempt to create the fastest JSON parser and generator.
  - Small but complete. Supports both SAX and DOM style API. SAX parser only a
    few hundred lines of code.
  - Fast. In the order of magnitude of strlen(). Optionally supports
    SSE2/SSE4.2 for acceleration.
  - Self-contained. Minimal dependency on standard libraries. No BOOST, not
    even STL.
  - Compact. Each JSON value is 16 or 20 bytes for 32 or 64-bit machines
    respectively (excluding text string storage). With the custom memory
    allocator, parser allocates memory compactly during parsing.
  - Full RFC7159 compliance. Supports UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.
  - Support both in-situ parsing (directly decode strings into the source JSON
    text) and non-destructive parsing (decode strings into new buffers).
  - Parse number to int/unsigned/int64_t/uint64_t/double depending on input
  - Support custom memory allocation. Also, the default memory pool allocator
    can also be supplied with a user buffer (such as a buffer allocated on
    user's heap or programme stack) to minimize allocation. 

This once was just packages because collada2gltf needed it (which in turn
was needed by LO).

And it was never really upadated (except in experimental) to newer versions
because collada2gltf didn't build with newer rapidjsons.

I lost interest in it because LO doesn't have the feature using collada2gltf
anymore and thus tis one isn't needed for me anymore.

Did an upload setting it to QA just now.



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