Source: qtwayland-opensource-src
Version: 5.9.2
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

the qtwayland5-dev-tools package provides the qtwaylandscanner binary, which
generates server side and client side headers and implementations for Wayland
extension protocols. Specifically, the qtwaylandscanner tool takes XML
definition files as input and generates C++ header and sources. These
sources depend on headers that are shipped with qtwayland-opensource-src.
All headers for the Wayland server side (AKA compositor) are provided with the
libqt5waylandcompositor5-dev package, yet the client side headers are not 
and makes it impossible to generate both Wayland client and server 
with qtwaylandscanner.

Right now, the client side headers are removed in debian/rules and I would like
to request them added again as a *-dev package; possible with a Suggests to
qtwayland5-dev-tools for this package, too.


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