On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 22:40:47 -0700, tony mancill wrote:

> > Maybe that's caused by the recent update of liblog4j2-java 2.8.2-2 -> 
> > 2.10.0-1
> > Indeed, downgrading liblog4j2-java to 2.8.2-2 helps.
> > Not sure if this is a jabref problem or a liblog4j2-java issue; let's
> > hope the java experts can shed some light on this bug.
> Ouch indeed!  I'm pretty certain that this is an issue with how
> liblog4j2-java is being built for Debian.  There is some discussion of
> the issue here [1].  Basically, we need to take precautions when
> building libraries with JDK 9 that are expected to run with JDK 8
> runtimes.

Thanks for looking into this issue and for digging up this reference.
> That said, so far I'm not able to build a liblog4j2-java from the
> 2.10.0-1 source package that will play nicely with jabref, but I'll keep
> looking at that and other options (aside from suggesting that we start
> recommending a stretch chroot for jabref...)

Thanks. And I'm optimistic that you'll succeed in the end :)

Should we reassign this bug to liblog4j2-java (+ affects jabref)? I
suppose the problem doesn't exclusively hit jabref?
> [1] https://github.com/plasma-umass/doppio/issues/497


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