On 2018年03月14日 11:14, Yao Wei (魏銘廷) wrote:
> Package: mirrors
> Severity: wishlist
> X-Debbugs-CC: debian-mirr...@lists.debian.org, Steven Shiau 
> <ste...@nchc.org.tw>, Ceasar Sun Chen-kai <cea...@nchc.org.tw>, Thomas 
> <tho...@nchc.org.tw>
> Hi,
> As stated in the debian-mirrors mailing list, NCHC wants to list
> ftp.tw.debian.org as their primary mirror:
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2018/03/msg00000.html
> Also, according to the mirror status webpage:
>   https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-status.html
> NCHC needs to use ftpsync rather than typical rsync to sync the mirror,
> because of lacking sitetrace.
Thanks. If we follow the doc
https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/archvsync/, is it a must to receive
an update trigger for ftpsync? If so, which upstream do you recommend
and where is public key of that upstream?
Thank you very much.

> Yao Wei

Steven Shiau <steven _at_ stevenshiau org>
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