Attached is a patch that appears to solve this. I haven't subjected it
to much testing yet however.
Brian May <>
--- /usr/bin/gcalcli	2016-09-18 01:31:26.000000000 +1000
+++ /tmp/gcalcli	2018-03-27 17:10:23.647889928 +1100
@@ -1553,8 +1553,8 @@
             if self.ignoreDeclined:
                 if 'attendees' in event:
-                    attendee = [a for a in event['attendees'] if a['email'] == event['gcalcli_cal']['id']][0]
-                    if attendee and attendee['responseStatus'] == 'declined':
+                    attendee = [a for a in event['attendees'] if a['email'] == event['gcalcli_cal']['id']]
+                    if attendee and attendee[0]['responseStatus'] == 'declined':
             tmpDayStr = event['s'].strftime(dayFormat)

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