Thank you for the bug report, Lorenzo!

I think that showing a warning is the good solution, because only one
user will see it : the one who installs the package; as Debian computers
are supposed to be multi-users capable, an automated migration tool
would miss an important stage : asking every user whether she wants to
have the migration done.

I forward the bug report to David Rosca, since the best place to provide
a migration tool should be inside Falkon, during its first run by an

Best regards,                   Georges.

Lorenzo Puliti a écrit :
> Dear mantainer,
> qupzilla now is a metapackage that brings in falkon as a replacement;
> as a result all the bookmarks I had with qupzilla are now gone in falkon.
> Looking for a solution i found out that there is an "import bookmarks feature"
> in falkon, but one need first to export all the bookmarks in HTML, and this 
> should have been done before removing qupzilla..
> As a last resort i try to copy 
> ~/.config/qupzilla/profiles/default/bookmarks.json 
> to ~/.config/falkon/profiles/defaults/
> a it worked for me.
> Now i think it's more user-friendly if you at least write a warning in 
> listchanges
> about falkon replacing qupzilla providing info on howto migrate settings 
> from qupzilla to falkon, or better, if you have time to spend in it, provide 
> a 
> migration tool (perhaps with debconf).
> Thanks, 
> Lorenzo

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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