On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 11:19:57 -0400 Dominique Brazziel wrote:

>       No cups respawns or the attendant 
> colord messages since putting 'SystemdIdleExit off'
> in 'cupsd.conf'. I remain perplexed as to why cups kept waking up
> (on socket activation I reckon) when no jobs were printing 
> and no web interface was active.  I guess I could
> look into the cups scheduler code, but the main thing
> for me was to shut colord up.

I am another user bitten by this bug.

I had to set

  SystemdIdleExit off
  IdleExitTimeout 0

in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf in order to prevent cupsd from exiting when

This is unfortunate, since letting cupsd exit when idle looks like a
good idea to reduce system activity until cupsd is needed again.

If colord were more quiet, I could enable cupsd IdleExitTimeout again...

Dear colord Debian package maintainer(s), is there any progress in
fixing this colord flaw?
Please let me know.

Thanks for your time and helpfulness!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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