On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 17:39 +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> it seems that you were right with your diagnosis that #350593 isn't a
> quodlibet bug. The problem is more or less gone after a Debian upgrade
> (to sid/2006-02-23) even though the quodlibet version is unchanged.
> The more or less is that selection of multiple items (shift-click)
> doesn't work on the tooltips (I noticed this on the filename list in the
> tag editor).
> I'm not closing the bug yet because I don't know if you want to do
> something about the shift-click thing. However, the main complaint is
> gone, so I'd have no objection if your verdict is "this is as good as
> it's going to get".

Well, the code also makes the tooltip not appear (or disappear) if
control or shift is held down, and that also works here. So I still
don't know what's wrong.

The next version includes a "hidden" setting to turn off the hints. I'd
like to really fix the problem, but since none of the developers can
reproduce it, we have no clue.
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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