On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 12:19:04PM +0200, Willem van den Akker wrote:
> Ah,
> It is stated fixed :)

Please check allways first for existing bug reports before open a new
one :) , it cost time to get the reports managed, time that will not be
available to work on packaging mostly.
And kicad is no heavy package with a hugh amout of unhandled issues.

> If will wait for RC2 and hope it will be soon available in testing.

You can right now use the version from experimental, no real need to
wait for RC2. RC2 can come next weekend or in four weeks. For Debian we
need to figure out how we can handle we issues with GTK3 in context to
wxWidgets/wxpython. So we may need to exclude the action plugin support
and switch back to GTK2 bindings.


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