On Thursday, April 19 2018, Joel Cross wrote:

>   Dear mentors,
>   I am looking for a sponsor for my package "python-cerberus"
>  * Package name    : python-cerberus
>    Version         : 1.2-1
>    Upstream Author : Nicola Iarocci <nic...@nicolaiarocci.com>
>  * URL             : http://github.com/pyeve/cerberus
>  * License         : ISC
>    Section         : python
>   It builds those binary packages:
>     python-cerberus-doc - Documentation for python3-cerberus
>  python3-cerberus - Lightweight, extensible data validation library for Python

Thanks for the package, Joel.  A few nits, mostly small:

1) The d/control file is missing a Vcs-Browser field, which informs the
URL where the git repository can be visited using a web browser.  It
should be:

  Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/joelcross-guest/python-cerberus

2) On d/rules, there's no need to override dh_compress.  It
automatically excludes HTML files when compressing things.

3) Because your package installs online documentation, you'll need to
provide a .doc-base file for the -doc package.  Look at:


for an example, and at:


for more info.

4) You can enable the testsuite from autopkgtest to run automatically on
Python packages.  On d/control, just use:

  Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-python

5) Thanks for taking care of the privacy issue with a patch on
d/patches/.  Just one nit: you don't actually need the disclaimer "The
information above should follow...".  Please remove that.  And do you
think upstream would consider this patch?  I think it's worth trying
sending it.

Also, still on the topic of patch management, it's a good practice to
not push the "patch-queue/master" branch to the official repository.

6) There are a bunch of spelling errors in the manpage.  You can see
them by using:

  lintian -EI --pedantic python-cerberus_1.2-1_amd64.changes

You might consider fixing them in another patch, and submitting the fix
upstream as well.  But I'm OK with uploading the package with these
spelling errors initially, and fixing them later.

7) You will want to install CHANGES.rst as the changelog file.  Just
override dh_installchangelogs:

          dh_installchangelogs CHANGES.rst

Other than that, the package is ready for upload.  Let's just wait until
you're accepted into the Debian Python team (so you can move the
repository to the official Debian Python namespace on salsa and change
the Vcs-* fields accordingly), and then I will happily upload it.


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