Package: pristine-tar Version: 1.38 Severity: wishlit I received a sponsorship request. My sponsee provided a git repository with the appropriate debian/ tag and a pristine-tar branch.
When I want to regenerate the .orig, I have to specify the whole filename. Ie, I have to say pristine-tar checkout network-manager-strongswan_1.4.3.orig.tar.bz2 But it would be much more convenient to say just pristine-tar deborig which would work more like `git-deborig'. It could find the package name and upstream version by parsing debian/changelog. It would then check that this uniquely specifies a set of orig tarballs[1] and generate them. [1] If this is a multi-.orig package, there might be multiple tarballs with different piece names. Ie, the filenames are of the form PACKAGE_UPSTREAMVERSION.orig[-PIECE].tar.COMPRESSION where PACAKGE and UPSTREAMVERSION are from debian/changelog, there may be multiple PIECEs, but for each PIECE there is only one COMPRESSION. Thanks, Ian. -- Ian Jackson <> These opinions are my own. If I emailed you from an address or, that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.