On Mon 2018-04-23 14:10:02 +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> I do believe that we should have one so tool writers can have a reference to 
> implement and people would not see changes when using different formatting or 
> generation tools (e.g dh-make-perl, cme, wrap-and-sort). 

makes sense to me.

> That said, I think that having formatting options (like --wrap-always --short-
> indent) kind of defeat that purpose because people have different ideas on 
> what looks best.

sure, but they're all wrong except for me, right? :P

> Back to cme and wrap-and-sort, I'd really like to converge on formatting so 
> that both tools provide the same output (I've already changed the way 
> dependencies are sorted to match wrap-and-sort algorithm).
> If we allow formatting options, these options should be saved in a file 
> (should that be a local or global conf file ? or both ?) so that cme and wrap-
> and-sort can produce the same result with a simple command.

perhaps the options could go someplace like debian/source/canonicalize ?


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