Hello all
Thanks to Nicholas hints, I have managed to make the script skip the
packages that are producing errors; in particular, with these commits:



 and now the gen-material script go to the end, but fails when trying to
write the data:

Unable to write to
Cannot allocate memory

Same happens with the gen-material call for testing:

Unable to write to
Cannot allocate memory

I've had a look at the code and I cannot find any place where the
scripts are called with a limitation for memory.

If I am not wrong, this is the stack of calls:

1.- cron:

25 14  *   *   *     run-parts --report /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.d/

2.- cron.d/10gen-material-unstable
/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/cron/gen-material unstable

3.- gen-material unstable

gzip -dc $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/main/source/Sources.gz \
         $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/contrib/source/Sources.gz \
         $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/non-free/source/Sources.gz \
    | grep-dctrl -n -s Directory,Files '' \
    | sed -n -e '/^pool\//{N;N;s/\n.* /\//g;p;}' \
    | sed -e "s,^,$MIRRORDIR/," \
    | grep -Ev "/${IGNMATERIAL}/" \
    | $DL10NDIR/dl10n-check \
          --remove-unused \
          --files-from=- \
          --tmp=$TMPDIR \
          --db=$OUTDIR/data/$d.gz \
          --po=$OUTDIR/po/$d \
          --templates=$OUTDIR/templates/$d \
          --menu=$OUTDIR/menu/$d $* >> $LOGPREFIX.log 2>> $LOGPREFIX.err

4.- dl10n-check


5.- lib/Debian/L10n/Db.pm

L259 (in sub write):
        if ($file =~ m/\.gz$/) {
                open (DB,"| gzip -c > $file")
                        || die "Unable to write to $file: $!\n";

And this is when the program stops with the error "Cannot allocate memory".

What can we do? I've looked at tye.debian.org

$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache
Mem:           2,0G        695M         91M        5,9M        1,2G
Swap:          511M        151M        360M

(But I don't know how to monitor memory while the script is running).

The resultant (written) files shouldn't be very big (the current,
outdated ones are):
[ ]     testing.gz      2018-04-09 14:33        17K
[ ]     unstable.gz     2017-11-23 14:33        3.9M

So I don't know if there is a problem in the resources in tye, or a
problem in our scripts.

I have manually run the gen-material unstable with --verbose and
--debug, and those produced huge log/err files, but couldn't find any
more detail about the current problem.

Any hint? Should I file an RT ticket for DSA to help us?
Laura Arjona Reina

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