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On 27/02/18 09:52, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> Hi,
> please be gentle, first time library migration :-)
> We would like to schedule a transition to get from the current, really really
> old linphone to a newer one. The old src:linphone used to build two libraries
> that are now in seperate source packages. All packages have been uploaded and
> built in experimental.
> Old:                                   New:
> src:linphone libmediastreamer-base3 -> src:mediastreamer2 
> libmediastreamer-base10
> src:linphone libortp9               -> src:ortp libortp13
> src:linphone liblinphone5           -> src:linphone liblinphone9
> AFAICS there are only two reverse dependencies through libortp9. Kopete also
> uses libmediastreamer. Unfortunately both fail
> Bug#890696 Kopete FTBFS against libmediastreamer 2.16
> Upstream bug, no activity for more than a year

Typo: you meant #890606.

Upstream asked about the proposed "patch", which just adds NULL to some
functions that now require an additional pointer. Since there is no porting
guide and no API reference, upstream couldn't assess whether that patch was
correct without looking at the library changes (and they didn't). Perhaps you
could review that patch and comment on it so this can move on.

> The Kopete bug is a blocker. However, Kopete also blocks the libssl1.0 and
> qt4-removal.

It no longer blocks qt4-rm, and there are solutions for the openssl1.0-rm
blocker. It's also a key package, so it's a blocker for this transition.


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