On Wed, 2 May 2018 22:11:49 -0400 James McCoy <james...@debian.org> wrote:

> Ah, that's because the javah command was removed in Java 10, to be
> replaced by running "javac -h".
> It would have been useful to get a notice about this ahead of time, for
> those not as involved with Java.  Especially since this has apparently
> been planned since Java 8.

Sorry for the lack of communication around the switch, there was a
deprecation warning about javah during the build since the switch to
OpenJDK 9 in March, but it might have been difficult to notice for

Looking at the build log it seems javah is invoked 5 times and the
headers are all generated into the subversion/bindings/javahl/include
directory. Did you try disabling the calls to javah and adding '-h
subversion/bindings/javahl/include/' to the javac parameters?

Emmanuel Bourg

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