Hi all,

On 4/28/18 5:46 PM, Jens Reyer wrote:
A1) @lists.debian.org

Since the mailing list is also for discussion and coordination (not only automatic mails) I think we qualify to use e.g.


I filed #898066 against lists.debian.org, starting a request for a debian-wine list. Every interested person (maintainer, upstream developer, user, ...) should state that by sending a mail to the bug. Or if you object this list for whatever reason, please also tell so.

A2) alioth-lists.debian.net

There's also the mailing list continuation service (we missed the deadline and did not opt in):


I do not know if we could still use it (I'd prefer wine-team@l.d.o anyway).

According to a mail to debian-devel[1] it is still possible to opt-in:

"Migrate the list the new system. This is still possible, please appoint a Debian developer as a list owner first, then contact the alioth lists migration team <ad...@alioth-lists.debian.net> and provide all the necessary information."

Since I don't know if we get a list at lists.d.o, and how long that would take, I guess we should do this.

Note: there's also #alioth-lists on irc.debian.org to contact the admins.

[1] "MBF: Defunct alioth addresses in the Maintainer: field (serious)", alioth-mbf-maintai...@msgid.manchmal.in-ulm.de

A3) salsa.d.o

Mike already created the "wine-team" at salsa.d.o.  [Thanks for adding me, whoever it was.].  I still need to investigate if this offers some good way of team communication, and how this works with the single package projects at salsa.  So I don't know if this could replace the need for a "real" mailing list.

I found nothing useful for team communication.

A4) tracker.d.o

We may also create a team at tracker.d.o.  Again, I don't know exactly what benefits this has, and how mail works with teams there.

Emails sent to team+<slug>@tracker.debian.org are discarded (#891504).

Once fixed this could be used for team communication, but team mails are not archived yet (https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/issues/14).

Further issues:
- Ownership can't be changed (#889163, Better team management)
- Bounce handler should manage team subscriptions too (https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/issues/12)

So a tracker.d.o team is not a replacement for the need of an mailinglist (yet), but useful generally in the long run with further tracker improvements.


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