By the way, if anyone is interested in working on this related

   The reason why this is hard is because Linux is supported on a
   great number of architectures, and some architectures have more
   than one boot loader that is used. The approach of letting the
   bootloader pass seed entropy is the right answer in general, I
   agree, but unlike OpenBSD we can't assume that it will always be
   present. (OpenBSD only supports a limited number of architectures,
   and a single bootloader.) Hence, no matter what, we have to have
   fallback mechanisms for dealing with the case where we have a
   bootloader which doesn't pass a seed to the kernel.

   The other issue is that I don't get paid to work on the random
   driver in Linux. I've been looking for volunteers to work with the
   grub, syslinux, efistub, not to mention all of the various signed
   bootloaders used by different Android devices, but because we had a
   fallback mechanism there is less motivation for people to want to
   work on this.

   This would actually be a great intern project or GSOC project, but
   this have been so hectic this year, personally and professionally,
   I didn't have the time to commit to hosting an intern or GSOC
   student this summer. :-(

Send me an note, and let's talk.  :-)

                                  - Ted

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