On Tue, 15 May 2018 13:01:47 +0100, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:

> Okay, I switched to ip -oneline throughout the script, see
> https://github.com/barak/iodine-client-start

Thank you, much appreciated!

Do you also have an idea for the other issue, mentioned in my reply
from yesterday:

| ==== Creating IP-over-DNS tunnel over local network connection...
| ERROR: No network interface found.
| Oops.
| if [ -z ${interface} ]; then
|     interface=$(ifconfig -a | egrep '^[^ ].*encap:Ethernet' \
|         | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')
| fi
| Ok, so the ifconfig output has changed as well …

Some ideas:

% ip -oneline link show up | grep "link/ether" | awk -F": " '{print $2}'

% ip -4 -oneline addr show dev eth0 scope global | awk '{print $2}'

> I would have tried to push a fix, but the packaging repo is not on
> salsa but another place. Written with a git: URL but when I switched
> to https: it worked fine, so maybe the lintian override can be
> dispensed with.

Right, I disabled git daemon on my server and activated https at some
point; unfortunately that can't be "fixed" in Debian without a new
upload. Sorry for this inconvenience.


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