/* [wxMaxima batch file version 1] [ DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! ]*/
/* [ Created with wxMaxima version 16.04.2 ] */

/* [wxMaxima: section start ]
Bug in draw with terminal = epslatex_standalone
   [wxMaxima: section end   ] */

/* [wxMaxima: comment start ]
wxmaxima 16.04.2, 
draw does not generate the corresponding .tex file (size = 0 byte) as it used 
to do in (some) previous version.

1) wxdraw and draw with "terminal = png" are successful.

2) draw with "terminal = epslatex_standalone" stops with error message 
   in gnuplot from line 6 of the generated ~/maxoutXXXX.gnuplot
   where XXXX are numbers (may be maxima PID?):
   "set obj 1 fc rgb '#ffffff' fs solid 1.0 noborder "
   "           ^ unknown object"
   At this point, wxmaxima hangs until maxima restart or cancel (Ctrl+G)

3) Comparison with the file ~/maxout_XXXX.gnuplot for the PNG
   (the file names differ only with the underscore?)
   shows that one line is missing before line 6 in the file
   ~/maxoutXXXX.gnuplot for the EPSLATEX, that is:
   "set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0.0,0.0 to screen 1.0,1.0"

4) Hack that seems to work: insert this line manually and test the result
   with "gnuplot -c ~/maxoutXXXX.gnuplot" (the correct .tex file is generated,
   can be typeset and ps2eps-ed etc.)
   [wxMaxima: comment end   ] */

/* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
/* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */

/* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
/* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */

/* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
draw(file_name = "test",
        terminal  = png,
/* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */

/* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
draw(file_name = "test",
        terminal  = epslatex_standalone,
/* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */

/* Maxima can't load/batch files which end with a comment! */
"Created with wxMaxima"$

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