On Mon, 14 May 2018 07:01:26 +0200 Alexandru Băluț wrote:

> There might be a problem reading those files.

Thanks for following up on my bug report!

> When you click Import and the
> import window opens, please select the ogg file and tell us what happens
> when you click "play" on the right side under the small preview.

What happens is that pitivi stops responding (again) and I see the
following error messages on stdout or stderr:

  Missing soft dependency:
  - GSound not found on the system
      -> enables sound notifications when rendering is complete
  Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pitivi/python/pitivi/mediafilespreviewer.py", line 
382, in _update_position
      curr_pos = self.player.getPosition()
    File "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pitivi/python/pitivi/utils/pipeline.py", 
line 233, in getPosition
      raise PipelineError("Position not available")
  pitivi.utils.pipeline.PipelineError: Position not available
  ERROR 23:27:36 assetpipeline     <AssetPipeline at 0x7f65801ae510> 
_async_done_not_received_cb: we didn't get async done, this is a bug 
  ERROR 23:27:36 assetpipeline     <AssetPipeline at 0x7f65801ae510> _recover: 
Pipeline error detected during playback, resetting -- num tries: 0 

> Can you play those files with GStreamer from the command line? Try:
> gst-play-1.0 PATH-TO-OGG-FILE

It seems that I cannot play the file with gst-play-1.0 either:

  $ gst-play-1.0 file.ogg
  Press 'k' to see a list of keyboard shortcuts.
  Now playing /home/.../file.ogg

and then nothing happens, until I hit [Ctrl+C].

> Please see
> http://developer.pitivi.org/Bug_reporting.html?stack-traces-for-crashes-and-deadlocks
> for how to provide a stack trace when Pitivi hangs.

I can try to get a stack trace.

Do you need a stack trace of pitivi?
Or, since gst-play-1.0 is also hanging, do you prefer a stack trace of
gst-play-1.0 ?

Please let me know, thanks.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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