Package: debian-installer Severity: normal Tags: d-i Dear Maintainer,
booting to Debian Installer fails on a 6th Generation Lenovo ThinkPad X1 (type 20KH-006MMX) with the following symptoms: * Boot from a Debian installation media (mini.iso 2018-05-18 on a USB drive). Also tested with Wheezy, Jessie, Stretch and Testing amd64 ISOs. * GRUB menu (version 2.02-2) shows options "Install", "Advanced options" and "Install with speech synthesis". * On entering "Install", the screen goes blank. The machine is still powered on and the keyboard leds respond to, e.g., the "mute" button. Switching to virtual terminals does not help as the screen appears dead. Similar problems with a blank screen have been reported on earlier versions of the ThinkPad X1 (see with workarounds involving boot parameters intel_pstate=no_hwp or intel_pstate=disable. In this case, this does not help. Also, the bug appears on several kernel versions (from 3.16 in Jessie). Booting to a live environment using debian-live-9.3.0-amd64-gnome.iso is not affected by the bug. The live system uses a full 2560x1440 resolution on a 4.9.0-4-amd64 kernel. However, the "Install" option on the same ISO results in a blank screen.