Package: rhythmbox
Package: wishlist

To a 'standard' user of rhythmbox [1], that just wants to play music, there is
really no need to share music services on a LAN. Base on #355234 this does
not seem to be even a documented or required feature but the fact that the
package Recommends: avahi-daemon gets some users (those that use aptitude,
instead of apt-get) to automatically install a network daemon service which,
as discussed in the debian-security [2] mailing list is a rather controversial

IMHO Rhythmbox should Suggest: and not Recommend: ahavi-daemon.

I'm filing as a different bug than #355064, since that one  asks the Gnome
maintainers to remove rhythmbox from the task, which is a different thing
altogether (although it was open for the very same reason: a user package
pulling in an unrequired network service)



[1] Whatever that is

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