On 22/05/2018 07.39, Guido Günther wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 02:39:00PM +0200, Paride Legovini wrote:
>> On 21/05/2018 13.04, Guido Günther wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi Guido, thanks for your reply.
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:22:31AM +0200, Paride Legovini wrote:
>>>> When working with git remotes and tags (instead of importing upstream
>>>> tarballs) an upstream branch is not normally not needed or wanted. This
>>>> kind of workflow is not uncommon, in fact is is suggested by the gbp
>>>> documentation:
>>>> /usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.upstream-git.html
>>> I think the documentation above does not suggest that there is no
>>> upstream branch, rather that you don't need gbp import-orig to maintain
>>> it. At least that's the intention. If that's not the case please let
>>> me know where you read that not having a branch with pristine upstream
>>> source is a good idea. We should fix that then.
>> I was hoping to get a comment on this. :)
>> The idea that gbp.import.upstream-git.html somehow suggests that an
>> upstream branch is not necessary comes from the following facts:
>> (1) In the proposed workflow, an upstream branch is not mentioned. The
>> document is almost a step-by-step guide, for example it shows how to
>> fetch and merge a new upstream release, but no hint is given on how to
>> maintain an upstream branch.
>> (2) By following that workflow, the master branch is almost what an
>> upstream branch should be. Actually, in the beginning I thought that I
>> had to consider the upstream branch to be "master". But this branch is
>> never updated: the new upstream versions are merged directly in the
>> Debian branch.
>> (3) When releases are tagged upstream, I don't see the advantage of
>> maintaining an upstream branch. Tags can be checkedout and already
>> represent the pristine upstream source. This seems to be a sound idea,
>> and in fact by default we have upstream-tree=TAG.
> Well by "maintaining" you mean having this ref in your repo?

Yes, but I also mean keeping it up to date, merging the latest upstream
release tag when a new release is packaged. Basically, by "maintaining"
I mean reproducing the upstream branch import-orig would create (with a
different git history, of course) and publishing (pushing) it.

But I see there is no need for doing so in a pure git workflow, and this
is completely reasonable.

>> 'refs/heads/upstream']
>> gbp:error: revision 'refs/heads/upstream' not found
> O.k., this can be fixed by not pushing anything if the
> corresponding branch or tag name is empty. E.g.
>    gbp push --upstream-branch=''
> would omit that branch. Same for debian-branch, debian-tag and
> ustream-tag when set on the command line or in gbp.conf. I'll push a
> patch for this once I'm near my smart card again.

Well, thanks a lot Guido, not only for implementing this, but for the
general discussion too.


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