Russ Allbery writes ("Re: Bug#900060: apt-get build-dep debian-policy installs 
too much"):
> It depends on python-gtk2, which in turn depends on python-numpy.  It also
> depends on libgtk2.0-0, which depends on libcups2, which pulls in
> libavahi-common3.  libgtk2.0-0 depends on both gnome-icon-theme and
> hicolor-icon-theme (but gnome-icon-theme depends on hicolor-icon-theme
> anyway).

I'm afraid to ask, but: why does python-gtk2 depend on numpy ?  Don't
get me wrong, I like numpy, but, err, needed for gtk ?

Also, does dia really need python-gtk2 for the invocations we are
using ?  Or, indeed for most of its invocations ?  ... looks at the
manpage ... oh it's primarily a gui program.  *sigh*

> I kind of want to rewrite them in dot, which I personally much prefer, but
> eh.

Glerk.  I'm not asking for that ...


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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