On Mon, 21 May 2018 20:02:58 +0200
=?UTF-8?B?TMOhc3psw7MgQsO2c3rDtnJtw6lueWkgKEdDUyk=?= <g...@debian.org> wrote:
> About the upload timing: I'll do it when I could test everything and I'm
> allowed to do it.

I have rebuilt all 85 reverse dependencies with protobuf 3.5.2 and 70 of
them builds fine.

android-platform-tools-analytics-library anfo appstream aseba
berkeley-express bernhard biomaj3-daemon biomaj3-download
biomaj3-process bookkeeper  caffe clementine closure-compiler compiz
criu cubemap dfvfs dnsdist docker-runc dogecoin electrum etcd gobgp
go-dep golang-gitaly-proto golang-github-prometheus-client-model
golang-gogoprotobuf golang-google-genproto golang-google-grpc grpc grr
harvest-tools ignition-msgs imposm imposm-parser libarcus libphonenumber
litecoin mahimahi mapbox-vector-tile mapnik-vector-tile meson mkgmap
mkgmap-splitter mosh mozc nageru netty osgearth  osmpbf ostinato
paraview pdns-recursor pink-pony  projectreactor  protozero pychromecast
py-macaroon-bakery python-axolotl python-shogun python-trezor
qtwebengine-opensource-src  ricochet-im ruby-google-protobuf runc shogun
usbguard vlc zbackup

About the failed packages:

Already FTBFS
collectd - failing already
dummydroid - failing already
mixxx - already ftbfs with qt 5
mumble https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=893604
opencv - not enough space to build

Seems to be unrelated failures,

cura-engine - rebuild should be enough (confirmed with maintainer).

bitcoin - failed due to symbols issue.
containerd,  docker-containerd  - dependency issues
gazebo  - should build after ignition
osmosis - seems unrelated
r-cran-rprotobuf - unmet build dep

Filed bugs for the remaining:
ignition-transport -
ola https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=900436
pokerth https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=900616
protobuf-c https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=900621

I think 4/85 is a low impact situation and we should ask release team
for a slot to upload it and request them for binNMUs.

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